
By Majoayee

Nearly half way: K

K comes in with a Kapow!  I'll leave you to decipher the other words beginning with K!

A beautifully hot day now!  I dead headed the bluebells this morning and then we went to the hospital for batteries for my hearing aids, then on to town to return my book and have a walk and a little something at Costa. (I bought a teddy bear in a charity shop!!!)

Home and I took ages to get stuff ready for my lesson!  Can't find a clock with hands that move easily - I'll have to make one for next week. we used the letters of the alphabet for pronunciation  - those magnetic ones are very good.

Spent ages this morning looking at ArtistAnn's AI journal.  Fascinating! and some superb results! I still haven't made up my mind about AI.  But if you remember how some people felt when digital photography made things so much easier, many people, who loved film and the dark room, felt that was cheating. I never used a dark room so I didn't have that feeling and love digital work : Photoshop or various apps.

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