There and back again

By Mikes

A Flying Visit

Yesterday evening I was sat in the kitchen reading a book with a little glass of red, and the door to the garden open, when in flew a black flash, wized twice around my head and disappeared into the lounge, where Mrs M was watching some tennis match! loud SCREAM!!!
It paused long enough to be identified as a woodpecker, did another couple of circuits of the room then it dived behind the sofa and disappeared into a small gap under a night storage heater!

To reach the said hole the sofa would have to be dismantled to reach the heater and this would then have to be unscrewed from the wall. Time to call a friend! daughter No2 only lives 15 mins drive away and as a trained countryside manager would bound to be helpful!

After she had finished laughing and suggestions to get Jinxy (trained gun dog now hiding at the bottom of the garden) to flush it out we said we would manage.

With a big stick I gently prodded the little chap and forced him to change his location to a window ledge where he disappeared under a pile of the grandchildren toys .

As one of the toys started to play "The wheels on the bus went round and round", Mrs M acted with the speed of light and threw a large towel over all the toys and bird and we then removed the toys, one at a time until we were left with a screaming woodpecker

With her holding the bird very tightly, I open a window and we threw it out into the garden. I think we both expected it to collapse to the ground but no, if flew off at high speed to the nearby trees

I was now in need of another glass of wine and Mrs M had missed the end of the match and it took us ages to get every thing clean and tidy.

Too much for a couple of old pensioners!

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