
By soozsnapz

I followed this bee for ages

But it was so quick and busy it didn’t pause or pose.  So I grabbed this rather poor one as it was flying between rhododendron flowers. I was at Tyntesfield - the National Trust place just outside Bristol, with my fellow Oxfam volunteer friend M. We talked over the current situation - that it is so unenjoyable at present, and sometimes even unpleasant - and made a pact to review 4 weeks after the new permanent manager starts - as yet unappointed, so we don’t know when, yet. 
The bumble bee has pollen all over it:) Bless. I believe they live alone - so how does it get at the pollen on its back? M thought maybe they have such bendy legs they could reach their back.  Or does it have a super long tongue? Anyone know? 
This looks a bit better if you use the arrows on the right - seems to up the quality a bit:)

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