Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Pearly Pastel surfing

Drumming this morning, we have a performance next weekend and so it was a run through of the rhythms we will be doing.  Crikey it was full on.  I felt sorry for the newbies in the class it must have been hard to follow what was going on.  I need to do a fair bit of practice too as some of these rhythms I haven't done for a while and we will be going in a cracking pace in the performance.

It was then a bit of retail therapy following which the hounds were taken to Redhead.  My brother met me there and has now taken Pi back to Sydney with him.  He has been off fishing and I have some very nice Kingfish fillets in the fridge. 

Just before I left to go home I went down to the shark tower end of the beach.   The sun had set and the sea was a lovely pearly pastel.  I only had the 70-200mm lens with me and I tried a much slower shutter speed with this shot.  I rather like the result on the wave although perhaps it needed to be just a bit faster.

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