My day

By 59

Blipless again

I have been meaning to record some of my pretty little plates. I have a stack in the drawer and use them daily for all sorts of things. The kids always get them out when they are here for their afternoon tea. This first in my series is hand painted Blue Gum, a native. When I was a Brownie Leader the children called me Blue Gum (their choice). When I left they had someone paint this especially for me. 

It’s 4 months today since my knee surgery. I feel I’m doing well. The literature says by 3-6 months most patients have improving symptoms, less soreness and knee pain throughout the day. Stiffness and aching should be expected after a long day of activity. Taking over the counter medications is expected. The surgeon works for an hour and then the recovery is up to you and takes 12-18 months. I’m on track, forget about it until the end of the day when I realise I have done too much. 

Today I picked the last of the tomatoes and cleaned up the bed. Walked to the shops and bought some pansy seedlings. Bob has been plumbing again. Wordle in 4. Our starting word today was IMPEL which didn’t help. 

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