
By ineffable

Outlet malls and Blood Diamonds

I want everyone to know that I went to the outlet malls in Freeport, Maine today. I was there for just a few hours, I bought nothing. I think everyone is aware of why. However, the travel buddy scored big and when we got back to the room tonight I laid my little purse on my bed and covered his bed in piles of bags, including one from Burberry for his girlfriend. I think she will be pleased. The weather though was terrible, so this was the only picture of the day. Taken at the Travelodge. Fancy!

We started the day at Ruski's, next to a bar full of working class men drinking their Miller Light and Budweiser. It reminded me a lot of when my mom used to work at Deep Eddy or going to the Hole in the Wall with AM, except we were there at 8 in the morning... Even the Hole in the Wall gang isn't that serious.

We did lunch at J's - incredible oysters on a half shell.

So, I've conquered the dives in town. And yes, I am very proud of myself.

Tonight as we settled in Blood Diamond was on TV. On the top left hand corner of my traditional blog is this quote;

"We are sustained by more than money and moved by the idea that people are more than they are told. We are not ones to rest until the missing are found, and the mission is met. Because of this people will use pencil to write down our address and pens when hearing our goals." Invisible Children

I've recently been thinking lately about what the future holds for me. Am I in the right place? Am I doing the right thing? Can I do this? Who am I to ever think that I could inspire people to inspire people? Do I really think that I could be a tool to seeing the world changed? What about all my fears and failures?

And then I see a movie like Blood Diamond, and I remember the quote on my blog...

People are infinitely valuable. One of my deepest aches is to be fought for and I believe it is because there is something in me that is created to fight for others.

In Letters from a Birmingham Jail MLK Jr writes that injustice for one man is injustice for all men, and the complexities of political situations or the complexities of my own depravity and limits cannot stop the warrior in me from fighting injustice. The New Hampshire license plate says, "Live free or die." I agree. If we do not live for freedom, live in freedom and war for the ones in this world who are not experiencing freedom then I think not only do they die a physical death, but we die a spiritual one.

I don't have it all worked out, but somewhere in me, I know that not resting until all men are free is what's right. And so I will work toward that goal, my freedom and the freedom of others. I wish it was as easy as it sounds...

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