
By FergInCasentino

This morning was

a long time ago.

Oof. I struggled to get going on my 45 minute walk. But did, and did my 5k.

I then shifted stuff out of the greenhouse, cleared up, worked away at the drive gravel. Then to the Agricola for batteries for the irrigation valves, some pipe joiners and stops, Cavolo Nero and horn pepper plants and half a kg of sunflower seeds. Then to the Co-op. Back home for lunch with a chicken, shaving cream, wine, bread, milk, chocolate. Watched a bit of the Giro - a great way to see parts of Italy by helicopter shot. Planted sunflower seeds, rocket, radish, kohlrabi, lettuce. Back in to see the end of the stage- a one man breakaway win. Then planted peppers in polytunnel, parsley and basil plants along the steep steps, picked stones and planted leek and courgette seed.

It has to be done now while the soil moisture is high and the temperature good. Tied in vine shoots as the wind picked up, showers threatening but never coming down, the hill behind dividing up the weather coming in from the wsw. Put the chicken on to roast, scraped potatoes, cut carrots, had anice sambucca apero , crostini and watched the clouds. Boss checked in from glorious trip to the Island (of May). Puffins but no pufflings yet. Ate tea watching ‘Occupied’ on Netflix. Birdsong and breeze in background. Light fades. The quiet rolls in. And morning was so far away.

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