
By biddy

Morning walk…..

………in the rain!
We set off on a circular meander we have done several times before, in light rain. Both of us wearing walking boots and carrying an umbrella.
Just after halfway round the rain became gradually heavier and heavier, but our path wound on quite often beneath overhanging tree branches, affording us a little bit of shelter, and bordered by cow parsley, wild flowers, and milky white frothy hawthorn blossom.
So much surrounding bird song!
My Merlin app identified a beautiful liquid sound as a Wood Warbler, difficult to spot, but lovely to hear.
Stephen took a photo of me in the middle of a whole field of cow parsley, the rain dripping off my brolly! But I was happy!
(Photo in extra! )
Eventually having enjoyed every single moment of lushness and delight, (me) we arrived back at the pub car park where we had left the car. I changed my boots for trainers and we then went inside for a leisurely lunch.
The rain hasn’t stopped even yet as I write this at 4:30pm.
I’m now going to read my new book, called “ In Pursuit of Spring” by Edward Thomas. It’s a prose account of his cycle journey from London to Somerset in March 1913. before he enlisted in the Artist’s Rifles in 1915 to fight in France in WW1. He was killed at the Battle of Arras in 1917. Aged 39 years old.
After this prose account he transformed some of it into poetry having been encouraged by his good friend Robert Frost to do so,
It was published posthumously, and remains one of my favourite books. “Collected Poems” Edward Frost.

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