Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Bowman Bay

Anyone from around here will be able to identify this shot fairly quickly.  Joe and I drove around a bit then we drove over to Bowman Bay for a few hours.   I took this one with my camera and took another pano with my phone, that I can't get downloaded onto the computer.   Oh, well. probably because we are camping at the moment!   We did see a pod of dolphins today and an Orca whale feeding.  We went over towards Anacortes and saw an elephant seal on the beach(extra).  The gal said she had not given birth this year.  It was fun watching her throw sand on her back.  Not sure if she was hot or what.   anyways...  a good day out.  I will upload the results for MM after dinner if I don't run out of battery!!!  If you don't see the results, then that is what has happened.  
  Thanks for stopping by and will probably try and get to journals tomorrow.   
I will tag this for Wide Wednesday and thanks for Hosting Bob!!

I need to hurry as my battery is down to the last!    These are only in order from first page to last with about 10 that I wasn't able to get in! 

McCaviti    fisherman
JulesJourney   sitting on the bench
Chris_P   loved the boys.  
Martin_R   this is for the EXTRA
   I am just about out of power so will do the rest tomorrow.   

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