
By lindseypinsey

Wetsuits, body boards and little girls!!!

Went and got both children wetsuit and body board ready for our holiday in padstow next week. As you can see my oldest loved his.

However my youngest a girl did not. She claimed hers was strangling her and couldn't breath. We had tears and everything. So I said i would swap for size above. She also didn't like her pink flowery body board she wanted one like my sons so I said we will swap that too.

Later we went in to swap them, I went straight to service desk as body board was big. Left it with lady to sort out new things. Sorted wetsuit still moaned about neck on that one couldn't go up another size. She looks through boards pink one we brought back, blue one with sharks on, black one with flames and skull. Then picks up the pink flowery one I had left at service desk. Typical high maintenance girl!!!! Give me 100 boys any day.

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