Mrs P

By mrspuke

Not in Kansas Anymore

It was a rather strange day today.
I was up early to prepare breakfast for Kate and Janet and then see them off on their train at the station (very quiet without them).
Rather than mope about, I decided to visit a new art gallery that opened up in Valencia last November. I was as impressed by the building as the installations (also very impressive). This one is of six massive clouds made up of irregular tetrahedrons and dodecahedrons covered with iridescent acrylic glass (gallery description). The artist (Tomás Saraceno) described them as floating soap bubbles, full of cosmic spiders' webs!
In the afternoon I read my book in the Parque Central and then in the evening I finally made it to the Arthouse Cinema and watched It’s A Wonderful Life.
I went from a hot and sunny Valencian evening to a snowy Bedford Falls. It felt very weird indeed!

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