
By Travelingkiwi

Grand vista

Well no blip yesterday rain and more rain I worked and the boss took Sam for a walk when there was a break in the weather late in the after noon , so this morning woke up to blue sky.
Had a quick breakfast and took Sam up Mt Iron blowing a gale at the top took a few photo and headed back to town , for a quick stroll around town , bumped in Moose and Flynn tied up whilst their bosses had coffee, I managed to fall over a low chain fence when Sam decided that he need a chat to his friends, funny thing this is right beside the pub a nice gentleman asked if I was o. K my reply was yes thank you just drunk again Well what else do one Say when thy are lying down in the mud out side a pub, so embarrassing thanks Sam, hope you all have a great weekend.
Uh oh raining again .

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