
By scribbler

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Early autumnal display, tree at Fat Tire Farm bike shop on NW Thurman.

Every year in the Pacific Northwest spring seems to arrive earlier and autumn, too. Today I noticed subtle signs of leaves turning in the trees near Boise-Eliot school. This didn't surprise me because today is definitely a fall day, with not as much burn in the noonday sun, chilly breezes well into the afternoon, and bright cloud puffs sailing through a deep blue sky.

I went looking for clearer signs of of seasonal change, knowing that each species of tree is on its own schedule, some early, some later. I didn't find any worth blipping until I came to this one.

One of the bike shop workers was standing in the parking lot waiting for a test drive to return. I asked him if he knew what kind of tree it was. He didn't. Did he think anyone else at the bike shop would know? He shook his head. "You guys are mountain bikers!" I said. "I know," he said, "but we keep our eyes on the road and the trees are just brown blurs going past."

So sorry, no tree identification. Just a brown blur to me. With a bit of autumn color.

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