July Challenge: Day 3 ....


This was a hard one for me as all my siblings and my siblings-in-law live all over the country! My only alternative to blipping my siblings was to photograph some old photos! Of which I have plenty. but, not really my thing.

I was lucky enough to have been able to spend time with all my siblings recently though. This past June on Father's day we all met up for a picnic. And R took our picture. It's rare these days that we can all get together. R's picture shows us in age order ~ I am the youngest and am on the far right of the photo (pink shirt).

So, after supper R and I went to the local duck hangout looking for some ducklings! And look what we found! Although, I can't guarantee that they are actually siblings. But they stayed together the whole time and the mommy duck didn't let either of them out of her sight.

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