
By ciorstain

Shari Planning

Had first planning call with Shari.
It will be an interesting shoot. 
Theatre and beach .... 
Warrior and Queen 
Masc and Feminine

Then I arranged a call with Lisa for 3 and made it out in the sun for an hour.
Had a coffee at Cucumma and got some supplies from the Markethall.

Had the call with Lisa then worked more.
Neil went out with his bike to get some stuff.

When he was back not long before 8 m we went for a walk to find a wine bar .... in the sun.
We were not successful in the end but had a nice walk down to Templehofer Flughafen and took the UBahn back.

At home we opened a bottle of white and cooked. I finally had the first asparagus of the season.

Procrastinate going to bed though.

Blipping my coffee....

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