
By Cumbrialass

Up early

Up muchh earlier than normal as the only appointment with the vet we liked ,this week ( she is popular) was first thing. Fletch rose to the occasion and was up and ready better than me. 
The roads were clear in the direction we were going ( not so in the opposite direction! I definitely  dont miss the morning drive to work) so we got to the vets with time to spare and Fketch had a short walk. Blip taken across the road where there is a water fall.Not really safe to get a good photo from the road so this is from above the waterfall.

We had another walk after the appointment. A special spray for his sore face and antibiotics should finally clear it up.. back to the 'doughnut for a few days to stop him scratching it. 

Back home and the Gas service engineer hadnt arrived  so I waited while M went to potter in the garden and I had my breakfast. 

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