
By mambo

Curls are Back

Even though not feeling my best l went to ballet this morning.
My friends thought l looked a bit ‘peaky’. I showed them my arm and we all agreed it looked very angry.
Never had a reaction to previous Covid jabs, well not three days on.
Did the class but l felt really clammy so missed having a coffee afterwards and went round to my GPs as soon as l got home , had to wait half an hour because l didn’t have an appointment. 
Lovely service from my doctor who prescribed me some steroid cream and antihistamine. Need to go back if it gets worse over the next couple of days.
Then l had to get my hair cut, having it curly for a change.
Have sold eight items on Vinted since yesterday so posted that lot off, collected my prescription , called in at the garage where my car is being serviced tomorrow and bought some oranges.
Just eating one now and it’s as sweet and juicy as promised on the label.

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