curns' corner

By curns


Two hour-long meetings dominated today's work. The first was the inaugural gathering of our Agile Community of Practice. I had no idea what it was about, but many people were on the call who had ideas. Agile software development is an iterative approach to writing code, but people love discussing it. I hope this session does turn into a community of people sharing best practices and not just more arguments over ceremonies.

One of the agile ceremonies everybody loves is the retrospective, during which there's much discussion about what went well and what went badly and what lessons should be learned. Often, I find them repetitive, but today's was quite positive. I'm glad I attended.

After work, we walked to The Star and had a few drinks. They always have a collection of unusual crisp flavours. To go with last year's fried egg-flavoured snack, today's flavour was sausage (although later we got to the Peeking duck ones). It was funny but delicious. We had a lovely atmosphere before we returned via the Co-op for pizza.

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