
By RebeccaP


Today is one where its probably best to say the things that are important in life.

Tracy is home safe from hospital and a joy to talk to as always; Anita and Tony are that solid support for laughter and sharing that everyone should have; Ali is a delight to have in the flat and work surprises me with its twists and turns and ability to entice me back to its draw when it feels like it. I've tried to help with steering S through a path that he might not look back on and regret, but that's out of my hands.

Sadly my walk through the meadows ended with a call from Jeannie, one of my oldest friends, telling me that Don has died. The sweetest most caring man you could meet that was never short of a laugh, a story, a kind word and a huge bear hug with the most endearing captivating smile you could wish for. He wasn't old enough to have this happen - but he was loved and cared for.

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