
By sharon143

Another warm sunny day. Went to my sewing group this morning. We started tying the first quilt . Its a method to relatively quickly do a form of rudimentary quilting by hand. Came home via the supermarket and Homesense as I decided I wanted some blue/green pots to brighten up the garden a bit. LM phoned whilst I was there to invite me for coffee and to collect some Cosmos from her so I went home for a quick lunch and then walked down to her house. Had coffee and a nice chat, and then did some tidying up in the garden before going to Bridge via Homebase for secateurs and another plant pot! I did better than last week which was good.
I got home to hear a cat mewing somewhere outside. It sounded very much like Otis and when I got inside I realised it was him. I had left my bedroom windows slightly ajar but he had clearly worked out how to push them more fully open. He was right at the back of the shelter underneath some shelves but as soon as I tried to coax him out he ran to the darkest spot in the garden and into the very narrow gap between my house and the fence. I was worried that he would run through it and out into the front garden and onto the road but I eventually managed to persuade him to come out with copious amounts of cat treats! It took him a good while to clean himself - lots of spiders webs etc in that gap - but here he is 30 mins later looking like butter wouldn’t melt!

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