Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

It's been a bit wet today!

OMG?! You wouldn't believe the amount of rain we have had today. I went for my morning walk at about 7.30-8.30am and Ann was wearing a really long rain coat, but the rain still seeped up her trouser legs. ..........And as she was just wearing trainers & socks ( and not Wellies, which would have been the sensible thing to do); when she got home, she felt like she had 'trench foot'. Lol!

At about 11.30am I went for another walk because Ann was working 1-6pm and she didn't feel that it would be kind to make me wait until 6.30pm for another toileting break.

OMG?! It was still raining really hard and none of the clothes that she had been wearing on my 'first thing in the morning walk' were dry. She ended up going out in her dry robe. TBH, her dry robe keeps her really dry and she didn't think she'd meet anyone she knew because the weather was so bad. ...................She met our neighbour. Lol!!!

Oh, and did you know there is a whole FB page devoted to people who wear 'dryrobes' when they aren't even going swimming????  If anyone is's called, 'Dryrobe Wankers'.  There's pictures of people in Asda in Sheffield shopping.  It's hilarious.  Almost as good as the, ' Overheard in Waitrose' FB page!!!

Anyway today wasn't all bad. When I went down to the beach I found a very nice yellow ball. And then about 2 secs later I found a very nice blue & orange ball. Unfortunately, my mouth isn't big enough to carry two balls. Boooohoooo. However, because it was such a nice ball, Ann said she would carry it home for me. How nice was that?

Normally, when we get home after a walk, I take my manky old balls that I've found, these weren't manky at all out onto the sun terrace and guard them for half an hour. The rain and wind was so horrendous today that Ann didn't even open the sun terrace door to let me out so I had to take them into my bed.

…....................And then do you know what Ann said to me?!....................... She said, 'Trixie, you are the stinkiest you have ever been in your whole life..................... Yes, she had dried me thoroughly. Well, I couldn't help that could I?

When Ann came home from work, the sun was shining, and the sky was blue, Yay! But unfortunately Ann was tired. She just took me into the field for a little play. If she hadn't been so hungry she probably would have sat on her wine drinking chair (see extras) drinking wine in the sunshine. Lol!!

…...........Instead, she fed me, and then put some 'meatballs in tomato sauce and Dischi Volanti Pasta' into her newly purchased Airfryer.


Here's hoping the rain isn't going to be so bad tomorrow??!!

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