
By SparseRunner


Today I completed marking the third exam question (of four) before a meeting with И and a contributor to HiGHS. We'd been concerned that he'd want us to modify our build methodology to suit the software he works on, but И argued successfully that we should continue with what we're currently using, and that he'll have to adapt. I guess that my presence as a sleeping Rottweiler may have also influenced him.

The brief break in the thick cloud created some pretty views from the apartment, and I briefly considered going up the hill on the far side of the fjord to experience it more directly. But I didn't know how long it would last, and had marking to do.

Optical fibre broadband is being installed in the nearby streets, and today it was being routed around the building where I'm living. One of the guys putting it in knocked on the door to ask whether he could drill from the inside. I explained that I was just renting the apartment, and that he should try the main house, whose entrance is on the next level - up the slope and behind the building. He had no problem discussing all this in English, and doubtless his Danish is at least as good. The drilling didn't last long, but there's still a channel to cut in the tarmac drive that slopes away from the building, so I guess that there will be some more noise tomorrow.

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