The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Hard at it

Work party first thing! Well, OK, 11:30. And shorts weather too. Much chattering as we set about dismantling the big tent we’d erected for the Dumbo re-engining over the winter. 
But I couldn’t stay overlong as I was off to the second last home game of the season - against Dundee. And who was coming along, invited by myself, but big Keef, as he’s never been known. Though he is very tall. And a Dundee fan, shhhh! He’s well behaved, y’see, and politely applauded all three Hearts goals.
Then a couple of beers with Roger before heading home - due to the temporary closure of the Western Approach Rd, the 22 bus comes right past the Diggers. All the way to sunny Granton Harbour. And the beach looked so inviting with groups lighting fires and socialising that I got myself a rug and a large rum and ginger, and went over and sat ahwile reading and discreetly spectating. I hope it was discreet. Wouldn’t like to be mistaken for a creepy old man! 

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