
By CyclopsJnr


We managed to pack up our camp very quickly and efficiently this morning, helped by the fact everything had stayed dry.  Then we set off to explore Culzean Castle and country park.

We started by visiting the walled garden, where we especially enjoyed seeing the cactus in one of the glasshouses, and buying some Rhubarb to bring home.  Next we stopped by the deer park to see the deer and llamas.  We wandered over to see the Camellia house, past giant rhododendrons, and CyclopsJnr practiced ninja moves and lightsabre technique with a stick he found.

Next we went to see the castle itself, via the "ruined arch" (not really a ruin, built for effect).  Logo characters from the castle's history were hidden in each room, so CyclopsJnr enjoyed hunting for those while giving Cyclops time to enjoy the castle.  In the last room the guide asked if CyclopsJnr had spotted the magic painting.  We hadn't noticed it, so she very kindly took us back through the castle (using a secret back route!) and showed us how the eyes follow you around the room, and the foot appears to move as you walk past.  CyclopsJnr loved this!

After lunch and cake in the cafe, we headed along to the play area at the Swan Pond, where CyclopsJnr explored the treetop adventure park.  Lots of climbing, crawling, sliding, balancing and generally rampaging.  Afterwards we played frisbee on the lawn for a bit, before finally deciding we were worn out and heading for home.

A lovely wee weekend break, and a nice campsite we may well return to.

 - Grotto
 - Llama
 - Treetop Play
 - Frisbee

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