Flowering Bushes down by the Lake
A word about rhododendrons and azaleas:
Azaleas and rhododendrons are both in the Rhododendron genus.
The Rhododendrons have bigger, leathery type leaves and bigger flowers. Both of them come from the same family.
Both my adult children don't really believe in Mother's Day. They say that it was invented by florists and chocolate shops and other stores with mugs and other items decorated with hearts and the word Mum or Mother written on them.
On the phone, my son told me that Valentine's Day was also a scam and the chocolate bunnies for Easter! Oh dear the magic is being taken out of my life by my own offspring! Maybe what they say is true?
My son used to send wonderful flowers or a plant with a beautiful card! He did phone to remind me that he didn't need a special day of the year to do something special for me!
My daughter came to Lausanne with her son and we met down at the lake and bought very good ice-cream cones! A good walk in the park above the lake. The sky told us that the weather was on the change and the whole of next week looks very mixed with rain and some sunshine, but lower temperatures. This always happens on my birthday week!
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