
By Groggster

Making A Beeline For Golden Rain

I'd almost given up attempting to get an image for today until the late afternoon when I took a couple of absent minded shots of our laburnum tree which has been in particularly abundant bloom this year - with its hanging yellow flowers sometimes described as 'golden rain'. I was vaguely aware that there may have been a couple of bees in attendance at the time.
I got a bit distracted after that as I went out in the evening to meet up with my mate Big H and a couple of his friends for a curry. It was definitely a case of good food, great company, plenty of laughs and a high percentage of good natured mickey taking on all sides.
After our meal I was happy to drop Big H back at his house rather than him having to rely on an expensive taxi (an extortionate sounding £35 for a journey of just over 8 miles on a Friday night - even if you can manage to book one in the first place) and by the time I got back I'd almost completely forgotten that I'd taken any shots at all. It was only as I was about to go to bed that I suddenly remembered to have a look at them.
At first glance I was pretty disappointed with my efforts but with some judicious editing, including brightening the image to turn the grey featureless sky white - which seemed to enhance the yellow of the blooms - and isolating my choice to the image with just one hanging flower and its attendant bees (one mid flight and the other tucked into the lowest of the petals) I decided I was actually quite happy with its stark simplicity.

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