I’ve seen so many beautiful pictures of the Northern Lights in the past couple of days! People are seeing this phenomenon at unusual latitudes all over the globe. This is probably the best I’m going to come up with—just regular old amazing long rays of sunlight. Because a) Northern Lights must be seen in the dark, preferably around midnight, and I don’t remember the last time I was awake anywhere near 12; and b) it’s hella foggy here tonight, so even if y’all tell me to set an alarm, I don’t think I’d see anything but grey. Plus I hear that the camera sees the Lights way better than humans can. It’s hard to imagine taking a photo so that you could see something that you can’t otherwise make out, although I guess I do that all the time, noticing things on the screen that I never saw IRL. But me standing in the driveway looking at a plain dark sky, pushing a button and then seeing a pink and green heaven, well, that would be a big deal.
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