
By Ferjen

A new start

As is always the case while awaiting scan results I am feeling very anxious.  I am trying to keep busy when I really just want to hide away and do nothing until next week, but I know keeping busy is better.  

I dragged my sister and her dog out to parkrun this morning.  I haven't done a parkrun since being diagnosed and it was nice to be back.  We only walked, but we kept up a good pace and finished in 46 minutes which I was happy with for a fast walk.  I will run it again once I am better. 

It was then time to take the girls to gymnastics.  Eldest had a complete tantrum/meltdown before we went.  She has had similar episodes the last 3 days and it's exhausting and frustrating.  She does this sometimes and I struggle to know how to manage it.  I think she just boils over sometimes and doesn't know how to control her frustration.  Or maybe she is picking up on my anxiety.  She was calm but upset going into gymnastics but absolutely fine when I picked them up an hour later.  

John  has gone to play poker with his friends so I have tidied the house this evening and now started a new cross stitch to keep my mind occupied.  Busy minds have less time to think and worry.

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