
By cyclops


Wow, we have had a full day!

We started with some zombie dice, then passed a rugby ball for a bit.  CyclopsJnr had an ice lolly for second breakfast.  We walked down to the sea, and it was so hot we had to stop for a cold fruit juice at the cafe on the way back up.

Next we went a 10 mile cycle in the sunshine.  There was a big hill in the middle, but we made it.

After lunch (CyclopsJnr read while he ate - a recent development which allows me to read too) we went into Ayr, where we paddled, played mini golf and had a further refreshment.  CyclopsJnr had a marshmallow milkshake, I had ice cream.  Then CyclopJnr played in a great playpark for a long while.

We came back for dinner and a nice shower, and games of Rummikub, Zombie Dice, Uno and Yahtzee.

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