
By Grammy

Simple Flower for a Simple Day

It’s Sunday, a day of rest. And that is what we did. The temperature is significantly colder than last week. We needed long pants and a jacket to take a short walk around the older portion of the park’s camping area. We like to keep a list of “acceptable sites” in case the ones we usually select are unavailable. I saw this fragrant simple honeysuckle that represents our day. Otherwise, we sat under the canopy, read or in my case, sat wrapped in a blanket and made/edited lists on my phone. We will only be home 1.5 days before we leave for WV. I need a list of reminders of all I must do in that short time. Two major items are to buy my vegetable plants/get them in the raised garden and take my mother to the podiatrist. My sister has offered to shop for me which will be a huge load off my plate. We are going to 5:30 Mass tonight and then going to dinner. Hubby’s Merlefest friend lives close by and has invited us. Then we will stop for a few groceries to get us through until Wednesday. Sure hope your weekend was pleasant. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “And of a Sunday swarm the folk Under the honeysuckle vine, Quaffing, the while they talk and smoke, The sun, the melody, the wine.” - Theophile Gautier

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