Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I haven't posted many chipmunks in the last few years because of Jax who has an unhealthy interest the rodents who visit our garden.  He takes great delight in chasing them and I fervently hope he is never successful in his attempts to get one.  So, when I spotted this little chipper, who is obviously a juvenile, I left Jax inside and crouched down on the patio so I could shoot at eye level.  It never takes very long for a chipmunk to do something cute - they can't help it really. So, I got off some fun shots while the little chippie busily cleaned up bird seed under the feeder.  

I had my weekly zoom yoga class this morning - after missing last week, I was definitely needing it.  I made some adjustments to accommodate my still-slightly-gimpy shoulder and thoroughly enjoyed the class.  By then, it was raining at a pretty good clip outside so I decided not to set up my hide.  Instead, I ran into town to pick some things up, including a print of one of my images from Africa that I particularly like.  Very happy with the way it came out.  If you'd like to see the image, click HERE to view it on Flickr.

Hubs and I have made some major dietary adjustments lately to our intake of sugar and carbs.  Mostly, we are adopting a Mediterranean approach to eating with lots of grains, lean proteins, nuts, fruits and veggies.  It's not a huge change for us, but we have eliminated certain things we both like, such as white bread and pasta.  And sweets.  Although I am still indulging in a bit of dark chocolate almost every day.  Sea salt dark today.  


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