just sitting,

By justsitting

The future

Got into work early so I could have an early lunch, as it was 'A's last day at the school nursery. They had a lovely wee show with lots of songs about everyone being special and how they are heading into the future.

Blipped the boat house on the canal on my way back to the office, it looked so lovely. The canal was so still with a little powdering of dandelion seeds. The only disturbance was from the birds who seemed to be enjoying the heat.

I have been trying to hold onto the sentiments from the Loving Kindness meditation from yesterdays mindfulness at lunchtime. It was a lovely meditation. Helps keep everything calmer and helps keep things in perspective.

'R' also finished at her nursery as she will start at the school nursery after the summer. It is such a lovely wee nursery, there are only a few children and they are all different ages together, they all seemed to really like each other. She was given some nice cards the others had made, They are all very sweet. 'E' had made a cake for their snack and they had a wee leaving party for 'R'.

My day has been good, got some stuff with the Nightmare Project progressed.

But the biggest part of my day has been how proud I am of my girls. 'E' is away out with some friends for a well deserved night out. The house is lovely and quiet except for the hum of the two little girls singing as they doze off. If only these days of idyl could always be.

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