Blush response

By Esper

We'll All Be Equal Under The Grass

On This Day In History
1877: Rutherford B. Hayes has first phone installed in the White House

Quote Of The Day
"The unrestricted competition so commonly advocated does not leave us the survival of the fittest. The unscrupulous succeed best in accumulating wealth."
(Rutherford B. Hayes)

I thought it would be great to see Trump laid low by the justice system, but now it is happening, I no longer feel that way. Sure, I would like to see him incarcerated for his crimes, but the process gives me no pleasure. The opposite, in fact. Why? Because of the vile, wretched, squalid cast of gutter spawn that one is required to accept into one's awareness in order to follow current events. Donald Trump. Michael Cohen. David Pecker. Stormy Daniels. Hearing news about these people is like taking a bath in cat sick, so I have decided I am not going to listen to any more stories about them. If being that unscrupulous is what it takes to be successful, then I would rather be scrupulous and poor.

People like us, gonna make it because
We don't want freedom.
We don't want justice.
We just want someone to love.
People Like Us

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