
By rainie

Wide open...

....the aperture that is, well nearly at f/1.4, used my 50mm plus a 13mm extension tube.  Hence there is very little sharp, maybe the wee droplets is nearly there.
I photographed from the same place of this, a totally different look.
Against black is so much better.
Blimey it’s been cold here and throughout the country, the coldest night on record for May.  We were -4° this morning, further north and inland they were -8.6°.  The sun did come out for a time, but the fire has been cranking nicely.  Now the drapes are drawn and settling in for a night of rugby.
I uploaded the book this morning, took ages (like three hours)....my internet is miserably slow.  But it’s done now, thank goodness….the relief I feel is enormous.
Entry for Flower Friday and also 52frames (their challenge was wide aperture).
Have a wonderful weekend

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