... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Fruitworks: Blueblut @ FreeRange

Less mellow in large

Im and I had an evening out: we tried our first "Free Range" concert, and it seemed promising, even if today's event couldn't convince us to stay the course... They weren't easy on the ears.

Free Range is a Canterbury charity, and they have an interesting programme of events: "Free Range is an award-winning arts charity that presents adventurous music, film and dance events with a policy of free-entry"
The main act today was Blueblut, a trio playing guitar, drums, and theremin; the warm up act was the same drummer playing with a pianist (the most percussive that I've encountered: he used his forearms unconventionally). They certainly all had conviction, and the ideas were fun, even if the execution was less convincing...
We'll definitely be back for future Free Range events.

A handful of others are here (or right from Doors at 7PM...)

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