
By Marionb

More Pink.. the garden! can never have too much pink ! First it was Hyacinths, then Bleeding Hearts, and now it is my very old, barely-surviving-in-its-old-age almond bush...pushing out a blossom or two..doing the best it can. There is hope for a couple more to burst forth, but the rest have already withered on the vine, so to speak...

Today is a big day I have been anticipating for months...The launch of the new iPad! Mine has been on the shelf for quite some time now - can't hold a charge anymore - and if I was going to buy another one, I wanted to get the most up-to-date I waited. 

The new one was expected soon - actually had been expected last fall, but it did not arrive..and then it was rumoured to be coming sometime this spring...probably May..and then....last week, at last, in my email inbox, the announcement of an announcement (typical Apple marketing) 

The latest Apple product would be announced on May 7...and so it was...Today was the day! And...Ta Dah! The new product is...quelle surprise...the new iPad..But cannot buy it yet...there is still one more announcement...the buy-date! One can pre-order it, but not buy until May 15. last..I have the answer...I can buy my new iPad next week....

Oh the hype! The suspense. The drama! ......Such fun being an Apple user! 

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