
By Beinghere


A very quick snap of a yellowhammer in the garden this morning, just after I opened the curtains.
We walked on the coastal path this morning and I spotted a Sedge warbler. Checked it out with the Merlin app. as it was singing beautifully. No camera, of course! We were just out for a quick walk. When will I learn!
Did a couple of hours weeding (where do they all come from?) when I got back while waiting for Hannah to get dropped off by her grandparents. It was an in service day today for teachers. Since she arrived it’s been non-stop. We’ve played lots of different games, fed the birds and cleaned out the bird bath, and sown chives, lettuce and rocket in a raised bed. Then watered the garden, Hannah and Geordie!
I feel like I’m ready for my bed and I’ve not even eaten my meal!

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