Allium triquetrum
The Three-cornered leek is gradually taking over the countryside, wild garlic I love, Three-cornered leek I dislike as it is so invasive. Today I found a patch growing on a path along the old railway track and have decided to make it my mission to stop it taking over, so I lifted as much as I could with bulbs attached, squished it all into a large doggie poo bag, took it home to Mum's and placed it in the landfill bin. Each umbel has 7 or more blooms each producing a bulbule so they can spread very quickly as we've experienced in Mum's garden. The plant is now listed as an invasive non-native species by the UK Wildlife & Countryside Act.
Hubby went into hospital. He fell over twice in the morning, really difficult getting him up onto the bed. The GP rang me when I was home, after discussing the symptoms he decided he did'nt need to see him but arrange for an ambulance to take him to Torbay hospital. The medics were very thorough, spoke to the GP, then made the decision to to take him to hospital. Once hubby had gone off in the ambulance I drove back down to CK to give Mum her lunch. I also rang Pat who came to Mum's where I loaded my coppiced bean sticks in the back of his transit for transportation up to my allotment.
Time for a cider.
Hubby admitted to AMU.
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