
By Ridgeback13


Woke and got on with a combination of cleaning and packing until it was time to read and comment on papers and then chat to VG. Afterwards I trotted down into town to meet CMcL for lunch. Usual upbeat wide ranging chat about philanthropy, gel nails, house decoration and challenges with builders, and mansplainers. Lovely to catch up with her.
Afterwards I had a bit of a wander to kill time before the committee meeting started in St Andrew’s Sq and we had a good discussion and made progress I think.
It’s been warm today but not really sunny, so it’s not preparing me well for Siena, or probably even for going south tomorrow. Home and finished cleaning up but not sure I’ve got my packing sorted properly. Oh well, there are shops there, and a washing machine!
Had a weird supper, using things up from the fridge, so it wasn’t the best! Had a pan early night as I have to leave very early in the morning

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