A noisy day. There was a US Air Force plane practicing climbs, dives, loops and barrel rolls over the coast for much of the afternoon. There was also a gang of men fixing the tarmac on the road and pavements outside, where it wasn't deemed good enough to be taken over by the local authority. To be fair, they weren't noisy for long; there were short bursts of work followed by long periods of inactivity but when they were working it involved a road roller and a 'whacker'. I will freely admit that I know nothing about Tarmacking but from what I saw the day's work could probably have been completed in an hour; two tops. But what do I know?
We spent much of the afternoon in the garden tidying a few things up, weeding and putting down more compost as a mulch. I spotted these alliums which had come into bloom; the first time they have flowered as for the last two years they have only grown leaves. I like alliums and had quite a few at the old house; now I know I have these, I may well plant some more.
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