
By tridral


Adlewyrchiad  ~ Reflection

“Blessed be the inventor of photography! I set him above even the inventor of chloroform! It has given more positive pleasure to poor suffering humanity than anything else that has cast up in my time or is like to - this art by which even the poor can possess themselves of tolerable likenesses of their absent dear ones. And mustn't it be acting favourably on the morality of the country?”
― Jane Welsh Carlyle, (Jane Welsh Carlyle, The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: July 1847-March 1848)

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Doedden ni ddim yn gweithio ar y cwt heddiw. Ond doedden ni ddim yn orffwys chwaith. Yn y bore cerddais i i'r pentref prynu cwpl o bethau. Roedd y tywydd yn ddisglair a chynnes. Stopiais i edmygu'r adlewyrchiad y goeden yn y nant. Roedd atgoffa i mi o fy nhaith i'r gwaith cyn i mi ymddeol. Treuliais i lawer o amser edrych ar adlewyrchiadau yn yr afon.

Yn y prynhawn, tra roedd Nor'dzin yn dysgu 'Tangling' i grŵp o ferched o Sefydliad y Merched, roeddwn i'n torri cewyll dosbarthu a'r phaledi i ddefnyddio'r pren yn rhywle arall. Nesa gwnes i ysgubo'r decin. Roedd wedi'i orchuddio â thoriadau pyracantha a bydden ni angen lle clir i weithio ddydd Mercher. Felly roedd y diwrnod heb weithio ar y cwt yn ddigon prysur beth bynnag.

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We didn't work on the hut today. But we weren't resting either. In the morning I walked to the village to buy a couple of things. The weather was bright and warm. I stopped to admire the reflection of the tree in the stream. It reminded me of my journey to work before I retired. I spent a lot of time looking at reflections in the river.

In the afternoon, while Nor'dzin was teaching 'Tangling' to a group of women from the Women's Institute, I was cutting distribution crates and pallets to use the wood elsewhere. Next I swept the decking. It was covered in pyracantha cuttings and we would need a clear place to work on Wednesday. So the day without working on the hut was busy enough anyway.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adlewyrchiad o goeden yn nant
Description (English):  Reflection of a tree in a stream

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