horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Sink or Swim?

Very much a niche complaint, but a sink that we fought to get put in at work for about two years has…. been removed over the weekend. There have been spurious reasons given, and no small amount of annoyance from various people (with queries directed my way as I had a fair amount of a role in getting it put in in the first place). Hell, we had a ribbon cutting ceremony for it going in!

Back to cleaning our cups in the toilets, which is ironic given hygiene was one of the reasons for it being removed (i.e. it wasn’t being maintained to a certain hygiene standard, which just made me think, well maybe we need to up our standards?)

Pentax ME Super (late 70s)
Ilford HP5+ ISO 400
Ilfosol 3 (12 minutes)
Ilfostop (1 minute)
Rapid Fix (5 minutes)

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