
By TrishaR

Ljubljana- Sunday

I am so behind with the blips!  First full day in Loobs (as we call it)!

Went a walk before breakfast as weren’t ready to eat so early so arrived around 9. Breakfast was excellent at the hotel.  Slovenia is trying its best to be as green as possible and to use local products where possible too.  There was a good selection of little pots of traditional food as well as the usual array of meat and cheese which us being Scottish don’t have for breakfast!  I had coffee , camomile tea, fruit and yogurt with nuts, egg, fried and scrambled , bacon, bread and then mini croissants.  Delicious.  The family that own the hotel are also very friendly and helpful - it also has a very good restaurant and it’s a ten minute walk from town along the riverside .

The river is a hive of activity with lovely paths on both sides and so many trees!  The horse chestnut is in bloom , lots of people walking their dogs, runners and people going to work..  the river boats weren’t started as yet it was a lovely walk.

Decided our first port of call was to walk to the castle.  Down by the river, over one of the many bridges up through the old town and then up the steep path with trees on each side to the castle.  It was quite a size and also had a puppetry museum beside it.  A big courtyard with a cafe and toilets and also a chapel.  Climbed up the narrow stairs to the top where this was taken of us.  It was a lovely warm day and I got to wear my dress!

When leaving I saw the wee train that takes people through the town and the guy was just leaving so I said to S jump in!  He said I am sure we should be paying and I said am sure it’s free !  I should know nothing is free lol!  He stopped beside the botanic gardens and came to us asking if we had payed.  He was very friendly about it I said no I thought free but we had a chuckle with him and went on our merry way back into town for a coffee.  Found a very good place in a museum.  

We decided to do the Communist Tour (self guided) as I am fascinated by what the former Yugoslavia once was and what it is now and the remnants of the architecture .  We walked to Trg Republike and saw the two big Modernist tower blocks, quite a few unusual stautes in this square , it was very quiet being a Sunday..

More walking on this route then back down by the river to the hotel for a cuppa and freshen up before our main meal of the day.

We were quite tired so chose a nice restaurant sitting g outside just down from our hotel.

I had a chicken and rice dish which was very good but huge portion.  I said to the waiter I couldn’t finish it and he said yes the portions are huge because the Slovenians like a big plateful!  He grinned when I said I couldn’t eat all that else I’d be huge as we are older and can’t burn the same calories.  I mentioned that everyone speak good English and he said that they learn at age 6 when they start school.  (Kids start school at 6).

We toddle back to the hotel and was sleeping by 10!

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