
By rockit

(128) Creo...

...or, Revenge of the Tricross.

After comparing one of my older bikes to one of my newer bikes in yesterday's blip, I got my comeuppance today. The Creo has 1x12 speed transmission with electronic shifting, which works perfectly every time. That is, assuming the Di2 battery is sufficiently charged! For the first time in two years I found out today while out for a ride that I was stuck with a single gear as the battery in question had run out of charge. However, I had ended up in a gear that was low enough to tackle a few hills but which would leave me spinning out on the flat or descents. With that in mind I changed my route and still managed a couple of hours out and about. The Creo is sold as a gravel bike and it copes pretty well with a variety of terrain, as seen in the picture. I did have to push up a couple of really short steep sections of path but I'd have had to do that even on the mountain bike. The battery (hidden in the handlebar end) is now charged and I don't intend to commit such an oversight again. 

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