horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


This is our… erm… inadvertent lake. The analogue camera makes it look like something out of Nosferatu...

Last year it filled and drained in a depression in our field, and over into the neighbouring forestry land, over the space of 3 or 4 months. This year it has been in place since 2nd November, and not drained once. Just shows how much wetter it has been this year! On the plus side it means we get occasional ducks, geese and herons into the field (and I’d had plans to see how damp this stayed over summer to see if it might be worthwhile putting in some reeds, to attract even more different species….).

Kershaw Eight-20 King Penguin (1950s)
Ilford HP5+ 400 ISO

Ilfosol 3 (11 minutes)
Ilfostop (1 minute)
Rapid Fix (5 minutes)

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