
Every Night Is Followed By Sunrise

I've now got out of bed for 19 weeks in a row to capture the moment of sunrise, the past few weeks have been pretty disappointing though. It was mizzly and breezy, there was no light to speak of and certainly no sign of the sun, the only good thing is the fact that I'm off work and can go back to bed for as long as I want.

I don't know much about how the Every Night Is Followed By Sunrise project is progressing at the Beacon Arts Centre but the big launch event First Light isn't too far away so hopefully will know more soon. The community artist working on the project assures me that the photos are still wanted but I doubt if today's will make much of an impact.

I picked this one because it has the suggestion of some light through the clouds and I can see my house, where my bedroom is, with my big cosy bed, back to sleep now.

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