
By memento

Would you happen to have five minutes now, sir?

We would like to do another short survey, if you would be so kind.

It is our understanding that some dogs are rendered extremely nervous by the loud booming of 4th of July fireworks such as the ones that just started all over town. Do you personally find that this is a correct assessment, sir?


I'm in pooch heaven save the three hour episode this morning of repeated whining by this Plotthound to go outside. He undoubtedly ate something disgusting in his own back yard.

Despite that, the best potato salad and cole slaw EVER was made by me to go with the customary 4th of July veggie dogs. The secret to the potato salad? Gobs and gobs of fresh potted basil from the garden.

There, the booming fireworks are done. Now the back yard fireworks, illegal back yard fireworks will start and continue throughout the night.

Happy Birthday, America, old gal. You seem like a gal to me, don't know why.

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