
By TheOttawacker

The walls are closing in a little bit

 The morning started with Ottawacker Jr claiming he wasn’t feeling well and did he really have to go to school. “”It’s my stomach,” he said, “it just feels… ‘off’”. Not that I am naturally suspicious, but there was no way he was going to have another day off school without signs of bubonic plague (I checked, there were no black pustules around his armpits). So, off he went.
Spent the a.m. working and then went with Mitch to the Beijing Legend for lunch. Then back home. At 2.30, I got the call from school telling me that Ottawacker Jr was not feeling well and could I come to pick him up from school? So I went to pick Ottawacker Jr up from school. (Still no sign of black pustules.) He went to bed and slept for around 90 minutes, then got up, and lay on the sofa. No fever, no pain, just feeling “off”. To be honest, it made three of us.

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