Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


After breakfast this morning, I headed north to the Refuge again to spend some time with the Purple Martin colony.  It was heavily overcast with some light sprinkles so the birds weren't as active as they are when insects are plentiful.  Still, I had some nice looks and finally selected this image because I like the wings and tail so beautifully displayed.  And an image in Extra of a male and female a the entrance to their nest "pod".  Martins prefer to nest in colonies so these large nest pod groups work very well to attract them.

I also got some images of two male Tree Swallows who were having an epic aerial battle.  At one point, they had their feet locked together as they tumbled through the air.  Quite a sight.  

Back at home, I transplanted some tiny milkweed seedlings while Jax kept eyes on the woods.  And as luck would have it, a largish bear started to come out of the woods.  Jax went into full Cujo-mode and the bear disappeared into the woods.  

Tomorrow I have to return my rental lens, but I plan to take it out for a final spin before I drop it at UPS.  It really is a nice piece of glass and I shall be sorry to see it go.  Definitely a very nice companion to the Z8.

Had a quick zoom call this afternoon so make sure all my controls work as I am doing a zoom presentation on Wednesday night to a group.  Doing my Birds of the Colombian Andes, which will be fun.

Dark with sea salt today.


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