
By suehutton

Is it cheating?

Sunny and warm today. Thunderstorms were forecast but didn't materialise, I'm pleased to say. I was able to sit out in the garden for the first time this year in the afternoon, and was even able to prise myself out of my chair at 4.40, but with difficulty.

Thinking to avoid forecast showers, we left for The Outwoods well before lunch. Not only was the car park full to capacity, cars were parked along both sides of the road. Not what the good councillors of Charnwood Borough Council would want having spent a not inconsiderable sum laying a path between The Outwoods and Beacon Hill car park. The next thing will be double yellow lines and traffic wardens,

We had to queue to enter the car park and were fortunate to find a space behind the cafe just as a Range Rover pulling a horse box pulled out. At this point, a stream, still flowing well, flows under a small bridge. I thought it looked quite charming particularly with the cow parsley,

Reader, I must confess that I resorted to generative fill in Photoshop to conceal a line of cars in the car park, the first time I have used the feature. It's done alright, but is it cheating.

The extra is of the people enjoying themselves in the park on this Bank Holiday Monday.

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